Saturday, July 30, 2011

27 July 2011

The sky is a dull-grey, the morning air somewhat cool, yet a refreshing change from the intense heat and humidity of the previous week. I’m sitting (as I write) on the front patio of Le Tassé, the neighbourhood coffee shop. Despite the greyish wall of clouds hovering in the sky, the day still offers a sense of optimism.

For the last little while I’ve been hunkered down rereading a manuscript, tweaking here and there, to bring the project home. At the same time, I’m working (ever so slowly) on the first draft of the accompanying synopsis. This particular manuscript has been a work in progress for a long time, but I am finally starting to feel good about it — that the long labour of love will eventually pay off.

I’ve also started writing a new story, although I’m not sure where it will lead (A novella? A full-length novel?). Nevertheless, I’m excited to show up at the page, watch the characters unfold, feel them alive in me. This new project keeps me current, especially as I wait for responses from editors and publishers to other works that I’ve submitted. For over 10 years I’ve been putting my work out there for others to “judge” but now … Waiting still seems to set me on edge, fuel my self-doubt. That’s when I turn to my Morning Pages to write that doubt away, remind myself of my worth.

Yes, today carries a sense of optimism, that I am laying track, still moving confidently in the direction of my dreams. As I enjoyed my coffee, a customer stopped by my table and said, “I’m told you’re the artist who did the paintings hanging in the café. They’re beautiful.” That made me smile.

Despite my fears, and the bouts of self-doubt that sometimes overwhelm me, I will keep on keeping on.

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