Monday, January 4, 2010

The Countdown is On

Two weeks from today I leave Ottawa. Destination: Sherbrooke, Quebec.

Over the Christmas holiday I spent some time painting the new apartment, putting up new drapes, washing cupboards and closets – getting organized for the move. Now that I’m back in Ottawa, the next two weeks will involve packing up what’s left, mainly the kitchen and my bedroom. It doesn’t seem like a lot, but looks can be deceiving. (I’ve been doing well at purging.)

As we were travelling back yesterday, my right hand clutching the door handle as we navigated the slippery highway, I had the feeling that I was travelling backwards in time. Ottawa, which has been home for me for the past 10 years, no longer feels like such. My decision to leave Ottawa in late November has, from the very beginning, felt right. This is, without a doubt, the next right step in my life. The road ahead may be uncertain, but I will go forward knowing that I am moving confidently in the direction of my dreams.

I’m ready for the move to be over so I can get back to writing more regularly. I’m still writing every day, but the writing feels somewhat disjointed. Moving, especially it seems since I’m heading to a new city, has interrupted life in a way I hadn’t really expected. The important thing is to keep on keeping on.

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