Monday, September 13, 2010


The sky is a dull grey. The forecast calls for rain, and the possibility of thunderstorms. The air is cool and fall, just under two weeks away, has settled in.

It’s not been a secret: the last few months have been, in terms of my creativity, difficult. I have felt like I’ve fallen off the horse and have not been able to get back on. I’ve been soldiering on despite my mood, despite my lack of confidence. I’ve tried to take it all one day at a time.

This morning, writing in my journal and sipping on my coffee, something felt different. I felt different. Here I am, like so many, working on my art while holding down a nine-to-five job that simply pays the bills. I’ve felt, too, like I haven’t been progressing because I’ve let myself be distracted, principally by the Internet – Facebook, email, Twitter. So it’s time to get back to basics, to cut out the distractions, to focus on what matters: writing, painting, music. And when I do that, things start happening …

In the past week I’ve started a new painting. I wrote a new song that I’m pleased with. Another short story of mine has been accepted for publication. I had hesitated because I had lost confidence in myself, I had lost sight of my dream. But in that act of taking action, there is a shift, a reminder that I am on the right track and that I must believe in my dreams.

So this morning I was once again reminded of what W.H. Murray had said: “Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness concerning all acts of initiative and creation. There is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans; that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too.”

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