Monday, July 29, 2013

A Perfect Day

Some days just seem perfect. These are the days that have a natural ebb and flow when everything I touch turns gold. Today (Monday, 29 July 2013) feels like one of those days.

In-between loads of laundry, I showed up at the page and edged my current work-in-progress forward. I’m about a third of the way through a tough rewrite of a novel. Lately I’ve felt, with this particular project, like I’ve been writing uphill. But today was different. The writing seemed easy, as if the characters were the directors and I was there to simple take down their direction.

I didn’t overdose on writing. I took a break to go for a run even though the air was cool and the temperature below seasonal. And just like the writing, running felt easier too. The stiffness (from not running during the hot and humid temperatures from the week before) had eased. I didn’t feel so out-of-shape.

After running, I made an apple-blueberry pie. While the pie baked, I spent some time making submissions before putting in a little more time at the page just long enough to tackle a scene that I had “written” while I was running. The day ended with a lamb curry served over rice noodles, two slices of apple-blueberry pie, and then a catch-up phone call with my good friend, Adrienne.
Today was, for me, a perfect day where joy blossomed in my heart. For that I am grateful, and blessed.

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