Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Oh, What a Feeling!

This past week has been like waiting for Christmas morning — eager to unwrap the presents under the tree, see if Santa Claus ate the cookies and drank that milk that were left out for him. It has been a week of nervousness, excitement and “stress” as I awaited the release of my first novel, Freestyle Love.

It was 4:32 am when I woke up, and turned on my laptop to see if I could find my novel on I did, and it finally just sort of hit me. My novel was there for the taking. It has been a long and winding road towards this day. There were days of doubt, when I was uncertain of my own talent, unsure whether or not I should just give up. But on the days when I felt like giving up, it always seemed to happen then that I’d receive an encouraging e-mail or phone call from a friend. “How’s the writing going?” they’d ask, and it was just the impetus needed to get me back to the page, to help me keep on keeping on.

Over the years, through the periods of rejection and acceptance of my writing, I have managed to hold steadfast to my dream. And today one of my dreams became reality. Oh, what a feeling!

This morning, when I tried to get back to sleep, I was too excited. So I got up, showered and dressed, and sent out an e-mail announcing my novel to the world. Then, as I do every morning (Tuesday to Saturday), I made my way to Le Tassé, ordered a tonnerre, and settled in to right.

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